
Oh My

These are SO good.


"Navidson in s.in.kin.g, or the stairs are S/T?R./E./T?C;/H/I.N/G(EXPANDING)

Well, we started playing Dungeons and Dragons again, and we had an interesting first day of play. I was wandering a new town as my gnome rogue, and botched my search for a decent wench. I then sent a Present to one of my fellow PC characters. He MAY have caught something.... and by may I mean did.


I may be thinking way ahead, but I want to make a Halloween costume with this mask.

Doctors of the Plague would wear them, keeping things in the beak to mask the smell of death.

I think it could be quite an intimidating Sight.


Wow, that was Wierd

I had a really weird dream last night. I'm not too sure about the details in the beginning, but it was happy. I had moved somewhere, possibly underwater, and was enjoying it greatly. But the odd part was, I had gone on land, and was climbing some trees, and one tree hugged me.

Then some hunters came and the rest of the dream was about out witting them... I even did some running on water!



I want to do one of these....
