

Four Jobs I Have Had in My Life:

1. Weeder
2. Bag Boy
3. Floor Help
4. Internet Specialist(Hopefully)

Four Places I Have Lived:

1. The Hat Ranch, South Dakota
2. Flandreau, SD
3. Richardson, Madison, SD
4. Lake Madison, SD

Four of My Favorite Foods:

1. Enchiladas
2. Good Burger
3. Coffee
4. Potato Soup

Four Places I'd Rather be Right Now

1. Japan
2. Scotland
3. England
4. On Lake Madison when its not green

Four Movies I Can Watch Over and Over:

1. Kung Fu Hustle
2. Hot Fuzz
3. Dawn of the Dead
4. FF7 : Advent Children

Four TV Shows I Like to Watch:

1. Dr. Who
2. Smallville
3. Futurama
4. Eureka (Not Eureka 7)

Four Websites I Visit Daily (or as often as they post):

1. Penny Arcade
2. Google
3. Kingdom of Loathing
4. MMorpg.com

Four Early Musical Influences:

1. Garth Brooks
2. System of a Down
3. They Might Be Giants
4. Cake

Four Computers I've Owned:

1. An Old Power Mac
2. Refuse from Flandreau Public Frankenstien Beastie
3. Multi-Colored Black Mid -> Evolves to BLUE BOX!
4. Tablet

Four places I've been on vacation:

1. Black Hills
2. Colorado Springs
3. NYC
4. Minneapolis

Four albums I can't live without treasure:

1. Fashion Nugget - Cake
2. Running with Scissors - Wierd Al
3. The Arokalypse - Lordi
4. Drunken Lullabies - Flogging molly

Four magazines I read:

1. Aismov's
2. Tv Guide
3. National Geographic (at my parents' house, in the bathroom, which, I'm sure, has always been annoying, but is less so now that they live in a place with multiple bathrooms)
4. Consumer Reports

Four cars I've owned:

1. Woodie Van
2. Family Truck - Just Drove
3. Pre- Explodey Lumina
4. Post Engine Explodey Lumina

Four colors I like:

1. Blue- Navy/Baby
2. Black.
3. Grey
4. Royal Purple

Four Hollywood stars notables I want to have a drink with:

1. Bruce Cambell
2. Edward Norton
3. John Cormack
4. Chow Yun Fat



You know what, im feeling generous, and i've got a bit of time over the next couple of days. If I get a Questionare thingy in the comments i don't know if i could help myself and answer it...

Music Review.

Aphex Twin:

I don't know what this guys deal is or even what kind of music. Maybe a harpsicord Techno... But anyway, If you want to know what a drug trip feels like, he does a good job. Not that i know what a serious drug trip feels like, i just listened to this guy's 1 album I have and felt like I should go out and have one, because I shouldn't feel this messed up without imbibing some alcohol.

Fair to Midland:

Some pretty good light rock, Likin Park -esque. Thier single is "Dance of the Manatee" and its probably going to be thier only one. (I'm pretty good at that)

Stephen Lynch:

A comidian that sings songs. COMPLETELY INNAPROPRIATE but hes a genius at lyrics. One of the more relaxed and songs thats not filled with profanities, Jim Henson's Dead, is on youtube. (After the Break) Most of the lines are funny in a thinking kind of way. In Beezl (High Pitched Fast ) "I've got little devil horns, and a little Goatee,little devil eyes to help a little devil see little cloven hoofs that make it kinda hard to ski I'm Satan, Woo Hoo! "


Warning: Slight Innuendo Humor at the end and begining. But the animation is amazing, and the humour in the begining is awesome.

I want to duel like this.